unit width中文什么意思

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  1. The most residual slide force of unit width is 9020kn / m ( iii - iii section ) when stability coefficient is 1 . 15
    四道沟滑坡满足设计稳定系数1 . 15时,最大单宽剩余下滑力9020kn m ( -剖面) 。
  2. Uning the experimental data , the dec r eased percentages of conjugate depth , length of hydraulic jump or unit width hydr a ulic jump volume with the increased dissipated energy facilities are calculated
  3. The results show that there is a power function relation between rainfall intensity and runoff duration and a linear relation between rainfall intensity and sediment transport rate of unit width , and we find the experienced coefficient of above relations through regression analysis
  4. Abstract : characteristics of film hole irrigation and effects of irrigation technological parameters on ir - rigating quota are analyzed , and the relationships among discharge per unit width , hole spacing and ir - rigation quota are studied in this paper , based on field experimental data
  5. Using the model experiment data , the authors calculate the decreased percentage of water jump length , unit width hydraulic jump volume and the water depth downstream of the jump ; and also calculate the energy dissipation rate of dentoid baffle , it is concluded that the device of dentoid baffle can increase the energy dissipation rate of hydraulic jump theory and decrease the engineering cost


  1. unit weight of saturated soil 什么意思
  2. unit weight of soil 什么意思
  3. unit weight of soil constituents 什么意思
  4. unit weight of solid constituents 什么意思
  5. unit weight of water ww 什么意思
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  9. unit with two mixing canterns 什么意思
  10. unit without polybag 什么意思


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